Péntek, 2025-01-31, 10:52 PM
Üdvözöllek, Vendég
Főoldal » Fotóalbum » Tél » Mikulás » Fotó 1
Megtekintések száma: 987 | Méretek: 603x182px/16.7Kb
Dátum: 2010-11-27 | Hozzáadta:: juillet61
Fotó megtekintése eredeti méretben
Helyezés: 0.0/0

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Összes hozzászólás: 1
1 Sarah  
Thanks Kim & Jason for the updates.I tried with “application/zip” but it didn't worekd. I tried to zip a .php file instead of text file thru below code. But on Safari instead of generating zip1.zip it is giving the option to download .php file.include( zip_min.inc );$zipfile = new zipfile();$fileonserver = test.php ;$filename = newtest.php ;$zipfile -> addFile(file_get_contents($fileonserver), $filename);header( Content-type: application/zip );header( Content-disposition: attachment; filename=zip1.zip );echo $zipfile -> file();I also tried to create a zip file using PHP's inbuild zip fucntions (ZipArchive). The below code not worekd either.header( Pragma: public );header( Expires: 0 );header( Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0 );header( Cache-Control: private ,false);header( Content-type: application/zip );header( Content-Disposition: attachment; filename= .basename($destination). ; );header( Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary );header( Content-Length: .filesize($destination));readfile($destination);@unlink($destination);Here $destination is the folder name that has to be ziped.I am using safari version 3.2.3 (5525.28.3) and Mac version 10.5.7

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